
Sarah-Indra Jungblut

Über mich

MA Sociology, Communication- and Media Science, Spanish


Warum RESET?

Digitalisierung und nachhaltige Entwicklung muss kein Widerspruch sein – die Schnittstellen sind die Orte, an denen es spannend wird!

Articles by Sarah-Indra

What’s the Carbon Footprint of Your Website?

Digital media is more eco-friendly than analogue, right? Um... not really! But there are things we can do to reduce the environmental impact of our online lives. The Website Carbon Calculator can work out the carbon footprint of any website - and gives you tips on how to make your own online presence more sustainable.

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint: A How-to Guide

Discover how to reduce your carbon footprint across all areas of your lifestyle to contribute to a healthier planet.

Our Digital Carbon Footprint: What’s the Environmental Impact of the Online World?

Every single search query, every streamed song or video and every email sent, billions of times over all around the world - it all adds up to an ever-increasing global demand for electricity, and to rising CO2 emissions too. Our increasing reliance on digital tools has an environmental impact that's becoming increasingly harder to ignore.

Renewable Energy — What You Need to Know

Energy resources exist in different forms. The effects of climate change, and the impact that greenhouse gas emissions have on the atmosphere are dependent on humans understanding the difference.

How to Reduce Your Digital Carbon Footprint

Every single search, every streamed video and every email sent, billions of times over all around the world, it's all part of our daily life by now. But it all adds up to an ever-increasing global demand for electricity, and a large digital carbon footprint too. What can we do to reduce the impact our energy-hungry online lives are having on the planet?

Job offer for Editor from Ukraine

You just arrived from Ukraine and are looking for a job in Berlin? We offer you the opportunity to work with us in the online editorial team.

Bioplastics: An Eco-Friendly Alternative to Conventional Plastic?

Littering our parks, bus stops and beaches, plastic waste, one of the most serious environmental problems of our times, is quite literally everywhere. Could bioplastics provide a solution? And are they really as sustainable as we might think?

Artificial Intelligence – Can We Save our Planet with Computing Power?

Artificial intelligence has long since solved complex tasks and made our everyday lives easier. But do intelligent computer programmes also provide new solutions for environmental and climate protection?

Mapbiomas: The Project Tracking 35 Years of Amazonian Deforestation

By utilising Google's powerful Earth Engine, a Brazilian project is efficiently generating the data needed for policymakers to make better decisions about the environment.