
Monika Rech-Heider


Journalistin, Bloggerin, Autorin


Über mich

Journalistin, Bloggerin, Autorin. Schreibt seit fast einem Virteljahrhundert über Geo-IT. Sie hat miterlebt, wie aus analog digital wurde. Und wie mit jedem neuen Entwicklungsschritt fantastische Möglichkeiten enstanden. Mehr Infos und Texte:


Warum RESET?

RESET verbindet das Beste aus den Welten: Das Digitale im Sinne des Menschen einzusetzen, sich der Potenziale gewahr zu werden und aufzuzeigen, zu welch Meisterleistungen Menschen fähig sind – grandios. Mehr davon! Und mehr darüber berichten. Auf dass das Gute wachse und Neues entstehe.

Articles by Monika

© Professor Dr. Martin Stefan Brandt

Interview: How Did Scientists Discover Billions of Trees in the Desert?

An international team of researchers, using high-resolution satellite data and artificial intelligence, has been able to locate billions of trees growing in the Sahara Desert. The results were published in the journal Nature in October 2020 - and the discovery made headlines around the world. RESET spoke to research group lead Professor Martin Brandt from the University of Copenhagen to find out more.


Digital 3D Soil Maps Help Make Farming More Environmentally Friendly

A young company from Berlin wants to use 3D soil maps to make agriculture lower in emissions and more resource-efficient. Satellite and aerial photographs provide the data. Co-founder Suvrajit Saha explains to RESET in an interview how the soil maps are produced and who is benefitting from this new knowledge.


A Helping Hand From Outer Space: Doctors Without Borders Utilise Satellite Data for Humanitarian Missions

In Austria, the humanitarian organisation Doctors Without Borders has its own remote sensing and geoinformatics unit, which is helping them optimise and streamline their work in crisis regions. We spoke with Lorenz Wendt, who provides the organisation with satellite imagery and tailormade maps.

Data4Human: Aid Organisations Get a Helping Hand From the German Aerospace Center

Researchers at the German Aerospace Center are working to make space technologies available for humanitarian aid. The aim of their "Data4Human" project: to provide aid workers with the information they need to make crucial decisions - as quickly and precisely as possible.

WeRobotics: Drone Technology for More Empowerment in the Global South

Non-profit organisation WeRobotics is harnessing the power of technology transfer, knowledge sharing and local expertise - working together with people in the Global South to use drones for positive impact.