
Marisa Pettit


RESET news blogger


About me

A news blogger for RESET since 2013, I like reading and writing about innovations, projects and social movements that might make the world a better place. Born in London and living in Berlin, I enjoy spring, swimming in lakes, and seeing green grass growing between the cracks in the pavement.

Articles by Marisa

The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things has been hailed as the biggest technological revolution of our era, with the power to transform our day to day lives, agriculture, industry and maybe even turn the economy on its head. But what does it actually mean? How will it affect our lives? Are there any potential dangers? And could the IoT help us live more sustainably?

Interview: How ESA Is Making Space Travel More Sustainable

Space missions have to be many things – including safe, successful and cost-efficient. But what about eco-friendly, too? As we enter a new era of space exploration, the European Space Agency is taking steps to ensure that sustainability is integrated into all phases of its future missions - and hopes that other space actors will follow suit.


Voices of Climate Justice: The Full Interview Series

While we are all affected by climate change, not all climate impacts are created, or distributed, equally. In the interview series "Voices of Climate Justice", we talk to environmental activists from the Global South about their experiences, activism, opinions and hopes for the future. Read on to discover all of the interviews in the series.

RESET Needs You! Donate Today For Independent Solutions Journalism

Climate change is the greatest threat of our time - but every day, new, innovative ideas for how to tackle it are emerging around the globe. At, it's our job to discover them, spread the word about what a more sustainable world might look like, and inspire other changemakers to follow their lead. Become part of the solution by supporting us today!

RESET Recommends 2020: 10 Hand-Picked Fundraising Projects With Real Impact

At the end of 2020, we’re looking back on a year full of changes and challenges - but also forward to a new year full of opportunities to do things differently - and better! And you can play a part. Here we present the RESET team's top 10 fundraising projects for 2020 - hand-picked projects that combine innovation, impact and integrity, and could help ensure a sustainable future for all.

RESET Joins Global Journalism Initiative “Covering Climate Now”

Faced with the growing threat of the climate crisis, the media has a crucial role to play. That's why RESET has joined the Covering Climate Now initiative, a global effort to increase the amount, quality, and visibility of climate coverage around the world.

“We are a climate generation and this is our fight.” – Interview With Ugandan Activist Sadrach Nirere

All too often, the conversations around climate change erase the voices of the people who are most affected by it. In this series of interviews, we talk to climate activists from throughout the Global South about the fight for climate justice and their visions for a sustainable future.

Smarter Sorting: Artificial Intelligence Helps Stop Retail Waste at the Source

Smarter Sorting’s AI-powered platform wants to help drastically cut retail waste, diverting valuable products from landfill and back into recycling and reuse.


Germany’s New Climate-Friendly Digital Agenda Puts Sustainability and Digitalisation Front and Centre

The interconnected issues of digitalisation and sustainable development are reaching a wider audience - finally! Last week, Germany's Environment Minister Svenja Schulze set forth the country's latest digital agenda - calling for more sustainability in the digital economy and a push for much-needed action for more "digital for good".