
Lydia Skrabania




Über mich

Studium Anglistik, Kultur-, Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Medienwissenschafte, Radio-Macherin, Journalistin, Überzeugungstäterin für grüne Themen


Warum RESET?

RESET zeigt mit innovativen Lösungsansätzen auf, dass man auch als einzelner Mensch etwas bewegen und bewirken kann – im Kleinen wie im Großen.

Articles by Lydia

Interview: How Problematic Are Satellites and Drones in Terms of Data Protection?

Are photos made by satellites problematic in terms of data protection? Is there enough regulation around the use of drones? How can we ensure that remote sensing data isn't misused? We talked about all of this with data protection expert Marit Hansen.

© Nico Lang

Interview: EcoVision Lab Is Mapping Biomass for the Good of the Planet

The EcoVision Lab at ETH Zurich is developing a tool that can accurately map biomass - all over the world - using remote sensing data. They hope it will make land-use planning more objective, transparent and environmentally-friendly, as well as protecting forests and biodiversity throughout the globe. We spoke to two of the brains behind the project.

Interview: Can We Trust Artificial Intelligence?

How can we design AI-based systems so that they benefit the common good? RESET talked to Kristina Penner from AlgorithmWatch about algorithmic bias and the potential for AI to reproduce systemic inequalities - but also about transparency and civic participation.

Interview: How Can We Make AI More Environmentally Friendly?

What potential does artificial intelligence have to help us protect the environment and tackle climate change? And with all the computing power it requires, how can we make artificial intelligence itself more environmentally friendly? What can companies, developers and governments do to ensure AI helps us protect - and not destroy - the environment? We put our questions to Stephan Richter from the Institute for Innovation and Technology.

Artificial Intelligence and Drones Join the Fight to Save the Rainforest

While the Amazon continues to burn, innovators are hard at work developing new and effective ways to monitor, protect and restore the world's forests. From self-learning algorithms, satellites and drone imagery to blockchain-based smart contracts - tech has a whole host of smart tools that can be leveraged for good.

Project Zamba: Protecting African Wildlife With Open Data and Artificial Intelligence

Camera traps are often used to protect endangered wildlife, recording thousands of hours of footage of the natural world. But who has the time to watch and analyse all of it? An open data project is helping animal conservation efforts by scanning hours of video footage and automatically highlighting the things that count.

Enjay: Turning Greasy Restaurant Air Into Giant Energy Savings

Swedish startup Enjay has developed a way to clean up the catering industry's greasy carbon footprint - by capturing restaurants' dirty waste heat and turning it into usable energy. The (Unintentional) Social Enterprise Making Volunteering Accessible to All

Hanna Lutz and Stephanie Frost founded the social enterprise vostel - by mistake. RESET talked to Hanna how their original idea developed into something completely different, and what their online volunteering platform looks like today.

More Transparency, Less Corruption, “Better” Bureaucracy: How Can Blockchain Help?

Blockchain isn't only set to shake up our financial system – it could also help reduce bureaucracy, make supply chains more transparent and fight corruption around the world.