Laura Holzäpfel

Ehemalige*r Mitarbeiter*in / Former team member

Articles by Laura

Drones and Satellites for Good – How Many Drones Can a City Handle?

The day when drones become part of our daily lives seems to be awhile off. However, Amazon and the like are working fervently on this scenario. It is therefore time to ask: to what extent are we willing to accept drones as part of our urban surroundings? The project "Unter Drohnen" (Under Drones) takes a closer look at this question.

RESET Special: Refugee Aid 2.0 – Ideas from Inside and Outside the Box

According to figures from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), over 51 million people are currently seeking asylum, have refugee status or are internally displaced. As a result of natural and humanitarian disasters, this number is growing.

Anna Yukiko Bickenbach

RESET Special: Small Steps, Big Impact – Five Quick Tips for Climate-Friendly Living: Day 1

If we work together, we can put more time towards rubbish separation, seek fresh air in our cities or create new conservation areas. Want to know where to start? This week, we will be providing simple tips to start building a more climate-friendly life. Whether you're just getting started on the green path or you're a pro, there's tips for everyone. Today we look at green apps. Let's go!