Felix Dunkl

Ehemalige*r Mitarbeiter*in / Former team member

Articles by Felix

Mapdwell: This Online Map Reveals the Solar Power Potential of Your Rooftop

A group of collaborators at MIT have come up with a remote assessment platform for rooftop solar that allows any community in the world to discover - and exploit - their underlying solar resource potential.

EcoRub: Unique Recyclable Materials From Used Car Tyres

The Swedish company EcoRub is turning old tyres into a new, recyclable rubber-based material that can be used in a wide range of different industries.

S-Park: Adding Your Pedal Power to the Grid

When cycling, you’re always generating power - however, it usually never leaves your bike. An Amsterdam startup, S-Park, now wants to change this with a special bicycle stand.

Could Cork Be the Future of Sustainable Furniture?

A Portuguese startup has developed a modular cork system that can be used to assemble beds, shelves and other pieces of furniture. 

Flygskam: The “Flying Shame” Movement That’s Taking Over Sweden

The Swedish concept of "flygskam" embodies a truly 21st century phenomenon - that icky feeling that you get when you take a flight because you know how bad it is for the environment to fly.

Eatapple: A Fruity Alternative to the Plastic Straw

Straws don't have to be made out of plastic. One team of ecopreneurs has come up with an alternative - made from apples.

Blockchain and Land Rights: Could Increased Digitalisation and Transparency Help Make Property Ownership More Fair?

Startups, large companies and politicians are increasingly looking at how blockchain technology can help solve land rights related conflicts and tackle fraud.

SimCity Just Got Real: How 4D Simulation Software Is Helping France’s City Planners

The French startup ForCity is using 4D models to help city planners be more efficient and real-time simulations to optimise the urban environment.

Airborne Power Stations Take Wind Energy to New Heights

Flying wind parks could dramatically increase the efficiency of renewable energy production.