
Ciannait Khan

About me

An Irish writer who is passionate about wildlife and the environment. I write for RESET because I want to spread the word about important sustainability news.

Articles by Ciannait

How Collaring Cheetahs Reduced Human-Wildlife Conflict in Namibia

Namibia is home to one of the world's last remaining cheetah populations. But for years, cheetahs have decimated livestock herds, leading to a bloody human-wildlife conflict that further threatened the already vulnerable species. New technology and insights are helping to keep the two sides separated.

Mussel Power: Can Molluscs Help Clean Up the Microplastic Crisis?

UK scientists are investigating a natural solution to microplastic pollution in our oceans: mussels. These molluscs serve as efficient water purifiers, but can they make a real dent in our pollution problem?

Sustainabill: The Cloud Platform Making Supply Chains More Transparent

As international supply chains grow longer, it also becomes harder to identify human rights and environmental abuses. Now, a cloud platform is incentivising transparency by helping companies track their suppliers.

Solar-Powered Food: Study Reveals Microbial Proteins Could Lead the Way in a Sustainable Future for Food

A new study has revealed edible proteins that are much more efficient and sustainable than traditional staple crops. But does the world have an appetite for powdered microbial proteins?

ARC: Bubbles and AI Robotics Combine to Clear Plastics from Polluted Rivers

A student-led initiative in Zurich called Autonomous River Cleaning (ARC) wants to tackle plastic pollution in rivers with a robotic vessel that can gather, sort and analyse waste.

Digital Human Rights Lab: Ensuring Everyone Benefits from Increased Digitisation

The digital world throws up a host of serious problems for human rights. The Digital Human Rights Lab, is creating an online space to support and strengthen human rights for all.

No Tools Required: Modern Origami-Inspired Emergency Shelters That Can Pop-Up in a Matter of Minutes

Disaster relief often requires a multi-pronged approach covering food, medical services and - importantly - shelter. A New York-based architectural firm now hopes to make the latter easier and more affordable by creating flatpack, origami-inspired emergency shelters.

Will Small Personal Carbon Scrubbers Prove to be the Holy Grail of Carbon Capture Technology?

As carbon dioxide levels hit record highs, scientists and entrepreneurs around the world are devising new ways to “scrub” the atmosphere of CO2. California-based startup Holy Grail is developing a simple carbon capture devices.

Terraformation: Does Silicon Valley Know-How Hold the Key to Large Scale Reforestation?

"Terraforming" was, until recently, the stuff of sci-fi. Now, a company called Terraformation wants to fight climate change by rapidly restoring forests around the world.