
All articles on sustainability and digitalisation at a glance.


© Benjamin Lucks / RESET

Visit to Topio: Market Stall for Sustainable and Google-Free Mobile Phones

Your old smartphone has more potential than you think! Alternative operating systems such as the Topio association are making them faster, more secure and free from data compromises.

Against the Data Monopoly: How Correlaid Wants to Democratise the Availability of Data

Effective climate protection needs reliable data! CorrelAid helps NGOs collect high-quality data and meaningfully analyse it.

Renumesh router

How RENUMESH is “Greening” Uganda’s Internet Using Solar-Powered Routers

Using S618, an innovative solar-powered device, Ugandan firm RENUMESH is providing sustainable internet to the country’s “powerless” regions. 

Embracing the Strange: Unconventional Solutions to the Climate Crisis

It's time to think outside the box. Guest author Cal Innes, Digital Sustainability Specialist at Jisc has collected five unconventional solutions to the climate crisis and discusses whether he thinks they're mad, or genius.

Geier im Flug.
© Jon A. Juarez/ GAIA-Initiative

The Gaia Initiative Uses AI, Animal Transmitters and Vultures to Protect Against Epidemics and Poaching

What can a vulture tell us about animal ecosystems? It turns out, quite a bit. The GAIA initiative has developed an early warning system with the help of these scavengers.

Salt of the Earth: The Rise of Sodium-Ion Batteries

Sodium-ion batteries have come and gone out of fashion. But a new burst of enthusiasm for the lithium battery replacement could spell a promising future.

RESET Recommends 2024: 5 Impactful Non-Profits Who Need Your Donations

We round up five impactful non-profits who need your donations this holiday season!

Repami: New Online Platform Brings Repair Cafés and Workshops Together

Buying new instead of repairing is still the norm in Germany and beyond. Online platform repami is here to make repairs easier.

The Planet Needs Your Support More Than Ever—Donate To Reset Now!

Searching for ways out of the climate crisis and motivation to fight against climate change? Support us with your donation!