RESET – Digital for Good

RESET makes solutions-driven, independent journalism, reporting on a sustainable digital future. We share stories and insights about projects and businesses that are using innovative ideas for positive impact. As an impact organisation, RESET supports ecopreneurs with consultation and expertise.

At RESET, our focus is sustainability and digitalisation. An eco-digital foundation, we report on the digital solutions to environmental issues relating to the climate crisis—always constructively and independently—and highlight the possible ways to achieving a sustainable, digital world. RESET also supports ecopreneurs with advice and expertise.

Constructive journalism for a green and fair future

Two defining forces shape our era: the rapid advancement of digitalisation and the accelerating impacts of climate change. But can digital technologies be harnessed for sustainable development? And how can the increasingly resource-intensive digitalisation process itself become more sustainable? At RESET, we delve into innovative solutions for environmental and climate protection, spotlight the changemakers driving progress and uncover the pathways to sustainable digitalisation.

Our approach is rooted in constructive journalism, also known as solutions journalism. This means we go beyond highlighting problems, instead illuminating pathways forward, offering actionable insights and sharing inspiring stories that empower a more sustainable world.

Our insights and publications are offered in English and German.

RESET Impact supports ecopreneurs

Ecopreneurs and social entrepreneurs are challenging the status quo and redefining business as a force for social good and environmental stewardship. At RESET, we champion these trailblazers, amplifying their impact and contributing to the transformation of our society. RESET Impact supports green entrepreneurs by providing advice at key points in their journey and actively helping them to raise growth capital.

Championing sustainability since 2007

RESET – Digital for Good was founded in 2007 by the two entrepreneurs, Uta Mühleis and Bodo Kräter, as a not-for-profit organisation. It’s since grown to include a team of dedicated sustainability experts and journalists.

Uta studied environmental and development policy and has been working with digital media since the mid-1990s. Bodo has been committed to innovative digital business models for decades and has already helped more than 100 start-ups to achieve successful financing.

RESET is based in Hamburg and the editorial team is located in the heart of Berlin. The RESET team is made up of international writers with backgrounds in journalism, as well as social, natural and environmental sciences. What unites us is a shared passion and urgency to find pathways toward a fairer and more sustainable future.

The climate crisis and social inequality are issues that affect us all—and solutions are being worked on around the globe. RESET wants to provide a platform for these projects. Our work has already been recognised internationally, including by UNESCO, the GreenTech Awards, the B.A.U.M. Prize and the German Environmental Media Prize.

Minimising our digital footprint: RESET’s commitment to digital responsibility

Both our website and all of our digital collaboration tools cause CO2 emissions. We are aware of this and do everything we can to minimise them:

  • Our website runs on 100 percent green electricity (Hetzner)
  • Wherever possible, we use green coding and data-saving image formats for a leaner, more energy-efficient website
  • We use open source cloud Nextcloud, which is hosted on a green server
  • To avoid video conferences, we have a fixed shared office day for the local editorial team. If we can’t be in one place, we meet digitally via open source cloud Jitsi
  • We use all devices for as long as possible, favour cloud sharing instead of exchanging documents by email, avoid large attachments and regularly clear our inboxes and the cloud of junk data
  • We are a member of the BMUV’s Sustainable Digitalisation Community and the ““Bits & Bäume” community

Keynote, workshop or specialist article: The RESET team shares its knowledge

At RESET, we have been keeping abreast of developments at the interface of sustainability and digitalisation for decades. During this time, we have learnt about a wide range of clever solutions, tracked down new trends and reported on the latest findings. Sustainability and digitalisation go together. We are happy to share what we’ve learned with other organisations trying to make the world a greener, fairer place.

How is RESET financed?

RESET is financed by permanent, independent funding partners and receives partial funding from expert knowledge sharing. We also receive project-related funding from the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU).

We are dependent on further support from our community so that we can continue publishing articles without advertising.

Want to support our work? Great! Donate here.

News about RESET

New Project: From Sustainable Smartphones to Green Data Centres—Solutions for Sustainable Digitalisation

The digital world is becoming an ever greater problem for our planet. But, there are alternatives. Sustainable digitalisation is the focus of RESET’s expansive and in-depth latest project.
38C3 - Blick auf das CCC-Gebäude in Hamburg.
© Thomas Fricke

Hacker Congress 38C3: All About Sustainability in the Digital World

The Chaos Computer Club’s annual conference took place at the end of 2024. Here are the top presentations to watch.

We’re Hiring: Social Media Manager With a Focus on Sustainability and Digitalisation

We’re hiring a Social Media Manager – have you got the skills and passion for sustainable digitalisation we’re looking for?

RESET Recommends 2024: 5 Impactful Non-Profits Who Need Your Donations

We round up five impactful non-profits who need your donations this holiday season!

The Planet Needs Your Support More Than Ever—Donate To Reset Now!

Searching for ways out of the climate crisis and motivation to fight against climate change? Support us with your donation!
Logo Digitaler Datenputz
© Corporate Digital Responsibility Initiative

Tidying Up With the “Digital Data Clean-Up”: The Campaign Shows How Digital Working Can Become More Sustainable

The digital data clean-up helps employees to clear out digital rubbish. The campaign takes place 16-27 September: RESET is taking part!

How Can the Mobility Transition Gain Momentum?

The transport sector is still responsible for enormous CO2 emissions. A mobility turnaround is urgently needed. But what are the essential steps and what role does digitalisation play in this?
Ein Laptop, auf dem die Seite des Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitspreis geöffnet ist.
© Benjamin Lucks/RESET

RESET is Nominated For the German Sustainability Award 2024

RESET has been nominated for the German Sustainability Award 2024! Watch this space for updates about the November winners.
Kezia Rice 2024
© Benjamin Lucks

Interview with Kezia Rice, RESET’s Latest Sustainability Writer

Kezia is a freelance journalist and copy editor from the UK, specialising in topics relating to climate change and the toxicity of the fashion industry.