Donate to Worthy Causes this Holiday Season – 10 Project Recommendations for You

2021 was a difficult year for many, help make 2022 better with a charitable donation.

Author Mark Newton, 12.27.21

Christmas might be over but the time of goodwill is not done yet. In the UK, the 26th December is Boxing Day – a day where traditionally the rich gave the poor boxes of gifts and leftover food. Today, Boxing Day has largely become a commercial holiday, but here at RESET we would like to keep the old tradition alive.

And so, if you have a special interest in a certain topic, project or charity, now might be the perfect time to seek them out and make a pledge. But, if you’re still on the lookout for a worthy cause, we at RESET have got you covered with an annual round-up of 10 projects that need support.

Each one has impressed us with their effective, innovative and trustworthy approaches to a more sustainable and equitable world. Whether it’s empowering indigenous peoples with digital technology, funding solar lights to beat back the darkness, or supporting the next generation of climate activists, you’re sure to find something that fits you and your budget. You can check out the full list here!

We wish you a happy holiday season and a happy new year!

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