Pouncer: The World’s First Incredible, Edible Drone

Forget Foodora and Deliveroo, the most important invention revolutionising food delivery is actually a drone; one that’s good enough to eat.

Author Marisa Pettit, 01.04.17

Forget Foodora and Deliveroo, the most important invention revolutionising food delivery is actually a drone; one that’s good enough to eat.

Last year saw a string of extreme weather incidents and natural catastrophes – from the earthquake in Ecuador to the wildfires in the USA – as well as the continuation of violent conflict and civil war in Syria, Somalia and South Sudan. Until now, aid efforts to deliver supplies to survivors have usually involved military planes dropping supplies with parachutes. But using that method means they sometimes end up dropped in inaccessible areas, or plundered by others. And in conflict zones, such as Aleppo in Syria, such a mission would involve endangering the lives of the aeroplane’s crew.

Say hello to Pouncer: a revolutionary, GPS-targeted edible drone, that will be able to quickly and accurately supply endangered lives with exactly what they need. It’s the brain-child of UK-based Windhorse Aero, and could be a game-changing development for humanitarian efforts around the world.

Drones for Good: The Story Continues

Here at RESET we’re well aware of the positive potential of UAV (Unmanned Air Vehicle) technology. We did a whole special series on them just a while back. From acting as peacekeepers in Africa and rescuing refugees at sea, to saving the lives of wandering whales, drones can often provide smart and efficient solutions to serious problems. And Windhorse’s Pouncer™ – given that name due to its rapid response time – is no exception.

This specialist UAV has a hollow body and wings that can be loaded with whatever is needed – including food, medicines or water – and sent out to respond to a huge range of different emergency situations. The delivery is accurate to just seven metres, and once launched there’s no need for external control. And not only that – it’s the first UAV ever designed that only has a one-way ticket. While the contents provide direct aid, the outer shell is designed to be broken up and used for firewood or as basic shelter. That means no costs for pick-up and recovery, and more importantly, maximum utilisation of all its separate parts.

Although the drone is still at the design stage, the developers are hoping to roll out the first models some time in 2017. Joining edible six-pack rings and edible cutlery as a sustainable solution to a pressing problem, let’s hope that the Pouncer can soon too become a reality. Check out the video below to see a computer mock-up of the ground-breaking UAV in action.

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