Call Out To All Social Entrepreneurs, Inventors and Technology Whizz Kids With Clever Ideas For Social Good

OneDollarGlasses (c) Siemens Stiftung - (c) EinDollarBrille e.V..jpg

Are you, or do you know someone who has been developing technologies and innovations with a social impact potential for people in developing and emerging countries? Could these technologies and innovations help generate jobs? Are they underpinned by fairness, social responsibility and self-sustainability? If so, the 'empowering people, Award' can help bring them to scale.

Author Annalisa Dorigo, 11.03.15

Are you, or do you know someone who has been developing technologies and innovations with a social impact potential for people in developing and emerging countries? Could these technologies and innovations help generate jobs? Are they underpinned by fairness, social responsibility and self-sustainability? If so, the ’empowering people, Award’ can help bring them to scale.

Now in its third consecutive year, the ‘empowering people, Award‘ by Siemens Stiftung has once again launched its global call for simple and replicable technologies to improve the supply side in the basic needs areas of: Water & Waste Water, Energy, Food & Agriculture, Waste Management, Healthcare, Sheltering, Education, Information & Communication.

The Award is open to individuals, teams, organisations or enterprises from the world over and aims to identify winning solutions and make them happen on site as well as to give the most promising innovations visibility by showcasing them on their ‘Solutions Database‘ on their website. All showcased projects receive support in the form of training and coaching, through virtual and/or regional workshops.

As for eligibility criteria, according to their website, “entries will be evaluated according to:

  • Potential of project to help solve basic supply problem
  • Technical feasibility with regard to resources at hand
  • Functionality and reliability in local conditions
  • (Social) Business concept regarding job creation and replicability
  • Financial sustainability potential Environmental performance”

Ok, now show me the money…

Of the total number of submissions, 23 will make it to the shortlist. Of these, the first prize-winner will take home 50,000 EUR, the second prize-winner 30,000 EUR, 20,000 EUR will go to the third prize-winner, and a further 5,000 EUR will be awarded to the 20 runners up. 5000 EUR worth of hardware will also be up for grabs in the Community Prize.

Apart from the above prizes, all winners will also receive international promotion through global public relations activities, sure to help boost their projects further, and priceless support, know-how and connections. Tickled your fancy yet?

Here are some key dates to note down

  • Nominations by 30th November 2015, 12pm (EST)
  • Shortlist of potential winners by 31st March 2016
  • Evaluation of shortlisted entries by May 2016
  • Awards ceremony in June 2016 (date and location to be confirmed)
  • Winners’ public relations and promotional activities, from June 2016

Could you be joining the Award’s previous winners, such as One Dollar Glasses, in implementing simple, locally replicable, and self-sustaining technical solutions to solve basic needs challenges in developing countries? Your chance starts here.

Watch this video for more info:

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