This Eco-friendly Lamp Runs on Just Two Tbsp. of Salt and a Single Glass of Water!

Salt Lamp is an eco-friendly, low-footprint alternative to traditional kerosene lamps and lights.

Author RESET , 08.10.15

Aimed at bringing low-cost illumination to residents of the Philippines, the SALt Lamp uses a free and abundant resource and attempts to replace the cost of traditional lighting. Moreover, the risk of fire accidents is greatly reduced. This simple, yet brilliant alternative to kerosene lamps has been developed by engineer Lipa Aisa Mijena of De La Salle University. The SALt Lamp requires a single glass of water with only two tablespoons of salt to provide for night’s worth of light, and the best part is that it can run off the naturally salty water of the ocean that surrounds this group of 7000 islands. The other key ingredient, a pair of electrodes, can run for as long as a year.

Currently, a majority of households in developing nations cannot afford or do not have access to electricity, and as a result resorting to oil lamps or normal battery-powered lights. Worse, during times of critical need (countries like Philippines being prone to natural disasters) the resources required become more difficult to acquire. Mijena developed the Salt Lamp as an eco-friendly, low-footprint alternative to other traditionally-connected lamps and lights. The only sad thing is that this lamp isn’t out on the market yet. It is still in the product development stage and will soon be available in the market.

Check out their facebook page for updates on the same.

The Alternative is an online media publication focused on sustainable living and social impact.

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