Thumbs Up! SteamaCo Is Our Favourite Project of the Month!

There are tonnes of good ideas that can change the world. Regular readers of RESET will already know of a few. Every month, we will choose one idea that stands out thanks to its impact and innovative approach. Our favourite project in July: SteamaCo.

Author Anna Rees, 08.05.15

There are tonnes of good ideas that can change the world. Regular readers of RESET will already know of a few. Every month, we will choose one idea that stands out thanks to its impact and innovative approach. Our favourite project in July: SteamaCo.

According to statistics from the World Bank, over three in four households in Kenya have no access to electricity, while over 80% of the population owns a mobile phone. But as well as making calls and writing text messages, phones are increasingly being used to send money and payments. In fact, 25% of Kenya’s GDP now goes through M-Pesa, the country’s main mobile money platform.

The Kenya-based renewable energy business SteamaCo has tapped into the country’s booming mobile culture and developed a cashless mobile system which has made electrical power accessible to people who had never been able to afford it before. The electricity is produced by solar micro-grids – small scale power stations that are able to operate independently from the area’s main electrical grid – and the connection fee is much less than they would have had to pay the local power company, that’s assuming the national grid were even in reach.

Take a look at Marisa’s article from last week for a complete overview at how the system works.

Thumbs Up! Jaroka Tele-HealthCare Is Our Favourite Project of the Month!

There are tonnes of good ideas that can change the world. Regular readers of RESET will already know of a few. Every month, we will choose one idea that stands out thanks to its impact and innovative approach. Our favourite project in June: Jaroka Tele-HealthCare.

Thumbs Up! South Korea’s Innovative Approach to Food Waste Is Our Favourite Project of the Month!

There are tonnes of good ideas that can change the world. Regular readers of RESET will already know of a few. Every month, we will choose one idea that stands out thanks to its impact and innovative approach. Our favourite project in May: South Korea's innovative approach to managing food waste.