Ecotece: An Interview with Brazil’s Institute of Conscious Clothing


I recently met Lia Spínola, President of Ecotece, the “Institute of conscious dressing” and she told me a bit about the wonderful work that they do in Brazil.

Author RESET , 12.10.14

The Insitute Ecotece acts on three fronts:

– Promoting education and awareness: communicating and educating people about conscious clothing through lectures, conferences and content for publications among other things.

– Fostering social projects: empowering production groups, mainly craftswomen. They have groups for sewing, stamping, embroidery, articulated to develop products with a positive social environmental and cultural impact, such as tee-shirts, accessories and various products made from ecological fabric or from textile waste.

– Ecotece makes products for large companies such as Lorenzetti, TAM and Positivo. Through the Uniform Project, they retrieve the uniforms discarded by the companies, transforming them into new products and gifts that are later bought by these same companies. Ecotece also creates partnerships with fashion or design companies who wish to create a sustainable product line. This process of upcycling is at the core of Ecotece’s thinking.

In fact it was this that caught Lia’s attention in the first place. Before working at Ecotece, Lia worked in visual merchandising but when studying the life cycle of fabric she started wondering how to give a new life to fabric that had “died”. Thus she saw in Ecotece a way of addressing this issue in a more concrete way.

Ecotece’s vision is that “getting dressed is a daily act and thus can also be an every day reminder of our conscious”.

I agree. We need more time and more actors such as Ecotece to make the fashion industry more sustainable. Meanwhile, each time we buy a piece of clothing we can stop, think, and make a conscious choice.

Together we can weave a better world!

Reposted from Sustainable Brasil with permission.

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