Smoke over Europe, North America and Asia: a CO2 Time Lapse


An ultra high resolution computer simulation from NASA shows jawdropping images of how CO2 emissions travel through our planet's atmosphere, leaving no doubt about which parts of the world they come from!

Author Anna Rees, 11.26.14

An ultra high resolution computer simulation from NASA shows jawdropping images of how CO2 emissions travel through our planet’s atmosphere, leaving no doubt about which parts of the world they come from!

Red smoke over Europe, North America and Asia: what looks like dense, red fumes are actually enormous amounts of CO2 emissions that travel across the whole planet. The video below shows where the emissions spread throughout the course of a year:

Video: Global Temperature Anomalies from 1880 – 2012

NASA released the following animation earlier this year detailing the evolution of global surface temperature anomalies from 1880 to 2012.