EcoCrowd Is the ‘Kickstarter’ for Crowdfunding Green Projects


Supported by the Deutsche Umweltstiftung (German Environmental Foundation), EcoCrowd is a newly launched crowdfunding platform which looks to specifically support sustainable startups as well as projects.

Author Ajay Pal Singh Chabba -, 11.25.14

Supported by the Deutsche Umweltstiftung (German Environmental Foundation), EcoCrowd is a newly launched crowdfunding platform which looks to specifically support sustainable startups as well as projects.

Financing through crowdfunding provides these projects with an additional platform for achieving funding through swarm financing. By specially focusing on sustainable and green projects, EcoCrowd is making sure that every project which is being supported through them will add up to overall contribution in building a sustainable future and will not have any negative impact on environment.

Ecocrowd is especially focusing on sustainability projects and is selectively choosing just 20 projects at time, which is being done after discussing each project personally based on the quality and thus helping bring green ideas to life.

The 20 selected projects are not just supported to achieve finance through the crowd-funding platform; they are even helped to develop further and are provided enough space on the platform, making sure that their deserved attention from users is not lost and they are able to achieve their set targets on time.

Go ahead, choose your green project and support it or if you happen to have your own idea, contact EcoCrowd to bring it to a reality.

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Giving can help people in need and save our earth. Collective, philantrophic spending is tiny compared to the power of government but it can bear risk. It can kick-start innovation or fund unpopular causes. It can also support voices yet unheard. There are various forms of giving, including cash, services, new or used goods like clothing, toys, food and vehicles as well as voluntary service.