Keeping Tabs on Your Individual Energy Use

Understanding your energy use can be like trying to decipher encrypted code so any tool that breaks it down for us is sure to catch our eye.

Author Ajay Pal Singh Chabba -, 07.15.14

Understanding your energy use can be like trying to decipher encrypted code so any tool that breaks it down for us is sure to catch our eye.

Econitor is one such tool, allowing you to analyse your energy consumption so you can see where you can cut corners and reduce energy costs, consumption and of course carbon emissions.

The platform uses gamification techniques to compare energy bills (that users enter manually or through smart metres) and provide advice on consumption and heating costs with special built-in functions to help you avoid using too much energy (thereby helping to cut your bill).

The software helps identify changes and also forecasts future consumption patterns through easy-to-understand diagrams and figures while the interactive energy saving assistant provides advice on cutting energy costs depending on the situation.

Sign up on their page and you are all set to start saving on your energy bills.

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