Dr Vandana Shiva talks seed patents on the BBC’s Hardtalk

Last night, renowned environmental campaigner Dr Vandana Shiva fronted up to the tough questioning technique that is the hallmark of the BBC's flagship news programme, Hardtalk.

Author Anna Rees, 11.20.12

Last night, renowned environmental campaigner Dr Vandana Shiva fronted up to the tough questioning technique that is the hallmark of the BBC’s flagship news programme, Hardtalk.

The half hour interview allowed for an insightful view into the work and philosophy of Dr Shiva as host Sarah Montague probed her knowledge and opinion on India’s development in relation to its agricultural industry.

In the face of what was essentially a grilling (such is the style of Hardtalk), Dr Shiva more than held her own as she outlined the negative impact of seed patents and genetically modified crops while conveying the benefits to people, environment and economy of a properly carried out and monitored agroecological system.

The audio of the interview will be hosted on the BBC website for the next seven days. Check here for the full rundown.

Author: Anna Rees/ RESET editorial

Genetically Modified Crops

Genetically modified crops (GM crops) are crops which have had their DNA altered in a way that does not occur naturally. Individual genes which promote durability or nutritional value are transferred from one organism to another to create biologically robust plants.