How Etalytics can make energy systems more sustainable and cost-efficient

Whether you’re more concerned about extreme weather or, correspondingly, an extremely large energy bill, energy efficiency can help resolve both issues.

Author Marharyta Biriukova, 06.29.22

The heating and cooling systems vital to residential, commercial, industrial and public buildings are extensive and complex networks. And despite their increasing energy efficiency, there is still room for improvement.

Boost Your Efficiency

According to the founders of the German startup Etalytics, the current methods used to analyse and improve energy efficiency are far from perfect. For example, they do not take into account ambient temperature and humidity despite the fact that these factors can have a significant impact on efficiency. 

To cover this blind spot, Etalytics’ interdisciplinary team ofIT professionals, computer scientists and engineers developed sophisticated software for energy intelligence solutions. It not only collects information on the above-mentioned information factors but also other key data for later analysis. To do that, they have a monitoring and evaluation system that processes data in real time. Many sensors generate huge amounts of information on numerous variables like productivity, weather, and even technical issues necessary for system optimisation. The AI processes the data and then evaluates and calculates the optimal power system control algorithm. Finally, the optimised data is converted into actionable steps. With the automated system serving as support for energy system specialists, regular manual intervention is no longer necessary.

The startup estimates that AI-based energy optimisation can help to cut consumption by 20 to 50 percent. Having all energy data in one place allows the system to calculate the operational CO2 footprint. It also provides management with valuable information  on the correlation between the company’s environmental performance and expenses. A spin-off from the Technical University of Darmstadt, Etalytics offers analytics for data centres, production plants, smart cities, energy suppliers, and building complexes. They are funded and supported by the German Federal Foundation for Environment (DBU).

Environmental Orchestration

Energy efficiency not only reduces your electricity bill but also is a key element in the fight against climate change – lower electricity consumption means fewer fossil fuels burned to generate electricity, resulting in less greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. A lower energy demand is also important to accelerating the energy transition to 100 percent renewable energy. 

In our current energy crisis, in which energy prices are high and volatile, affecting households, businesses and entire economies, we must implement energy efficient solutions faster and on a global scale. According to the IEA analysis, doubling the current global rate of energy intensity improvement – that is, the percentage decrease in the ratio of global total energy supply per unit of gross domestic product (GDP) – to 4 percent a year has the potential to cut energy consumption by an extra 95 exajoules by the end of this decade compared with today’s pace. This is equivalent to China’s current annual energy use. By this calculation, global CO2 emissions would be reduced by an additional 5 billion tonnes a year by 2030. 

Combined with renewable energy and other measures, energy efficiency is therefore indispensable to achieving global climate targets.

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