Welcome to RESET – Digital for Good
Where digital innovation meets sustainable transformation.

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Newly Discovered Bacterium is “Chonkus” By Name, CO2 Degradation Tool by Nature

Even with the most consistent savings measures, it is not possible to totally stop greenhouse gas production. However, a newly discovered cyanobacterium “Chonkus” may be a vital partner for reaching net-zero.

The Good Search Engine: Web Search Without Advertising Benefits Users and the Climate

The GOOD search engine uses a paid subscription model. Co-founder Andreas Renner explains why this saves CO2 emissions and benefits users.

Civic Tech

Ways out of the Climate Crisis with Digital Civic Engagement

With the help of digital tools, citizens can uncover environmental problems, collect important data and support protective measures. In this Special Feature, we explore the question: How can civic tech solutions advance climate protection?


Satellites and Drones

Effective Helpers for Sustainable Development?

When it comes to protecting the environment and tracking changes in our climate, satellites and drones have become indispensable. If only there wasn’t the issue of all that space debris… In RESET’s latest special feature, we’ve been taking a look at the potentials – and pitfalls – of satellites and drones for a sustainable future on this planet.


Artificial Intelligence

Can Computing Power Save Our Planet?

Artificial intelligence has long since solved complex tasks and made our everyday lives easier. But do intelligent computer programmes also provide new solutions for environmental and climate protection? Here we set out to find answers to these questions.




Blockchain and Sustainable Development

How Does It Work?

Everyone is talking about blockchain and DLT. But what exactly are they and how do they work? In RESET’s latest Blockchain Special, we offer some answers to those questions and take a look at how the tech can be used for both social and ecological good.



Is Electromobility Key to a Future-Proof City?

Is the future electric? Our roads might still be dominated by conventional cars right now, but when it comes to e-mobility, there are promising developments. We looked at the current status quo, the potentials and future predictions, for an electric revolution.


Solutions and backgrounds by topic

We’re Hiring: Social Media Manager With a Focus on Sustainability and Digitalisation

We’re hiring a Social Media Manager – have you got the skills and passion for sustainable digitalisation we’re looking for?
Disposable Vape
© Recycle Your Electricals

Puff, Toss, Recycle? Meet the People Solving the UK’s Disposable Vape Waste Problem

The rise of disposable vapes means that millions of finite resources are being dumped into the earth daily. RESET spoke to the people trying to change this.
GeoMatch Screen Desktop
© GeoMatch

“The First Location Is a Stumbling Block or a Stepping Stone”: How AI Model GeoMatch Is Relocating Refugees

Refugees who settle in a new country face location-based challenges. Could artificial intelligence model GeoMatch provide a solution?
© Benjamin Lucks / RESET

Visit to Topio: Market Stall for Sustainable and Google-Free Mobile Phones

Your old smartphone has more potential than you think! Alternative operating systems such as the Topio association are making them faster, more secure and free from data compromises.

Against the Data Monopoly: How Correlaid Wants to Democratise the Availability of Data

Effective climate protection needs reliable data! CorrelAid helps NGOs collect high-quality data and meaningfully analyse it.
Renumesh router

How RENUMESH is “Greening” Uganda’s Internet Using Solar-Powered Routers

Using S618, an innovative solar-powered device, Ugandan firm RENUMESH is providing sustainable internet to the country’s “powerless” regions. 

Embracing the Strange: Unconventional Solutions to the Climate Crisis

It’s time to think outside the box. Guest author Cal Innes, Digital Sustainability Specialist at Jisc has collected five unconventional solutions to the climate crisis and discusses whether he thinks they’re mad, or genius.
Geier im Flug.
© Jon A. Juarez/ GAIA-Initiative

The Gaia Initiative Uses AI, Animal Transmitters and Vultures to Protect Against Epidemics and Poaching

What can a vulture tell us about animal ecosystems? It turns out, quite a bit. The GAIA initiative has developed an early warning system with the help of these scavengers.

Salt of the Earth: The Rise of Sodium-Ion Batteries

Sodium-ion batteries have come and gone out of fashion. But a new burst of enthusiasm for the lithium battery replacement could spell a promising future.